Gas transport in the Respiratory System

  ⇰ Science information page

This page is about modelling the ventilatory function of the lung. But first, some attention will be given to the principles governing ventilation.

The VT is called tidal volume, normally expressed in L or mL, and the fR respiratory frequency, mostly expressed in breaths per minute. In the gas law, P is pressure, V volume, n number of moles, R universal gas constant (8.3 J·K−1·mol−1) and T absolute temperature (K).

The lung has to exchange O2 against CO2 at a sufficient rate, amount per time. It is standard to express rates by a dot above the respective symbol, like ˙V n˙ for volume per time (ventilation) and moles per time respectively.

Model basics
Coupling to Metabolism
Model with Regulations
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