Instruction Instructions for Music pages

By clicking the pictures in the top region, you can reach the several sections of this "Music" entry page. A short summary:

‘Music entry’ – the Music homepage.
‘CD & mp3’ – to order a CD or mp3(s) – it has its own explanation section.
‘Piano Music’ – music for piano solo or 2 pianos
‘Choir Music’ – music for mixed choir
‘Other Music’ – various music other than piano or choir

On many of these ‘Music’ entries, there is a list of items under some or all of the following indicators:
Title English translation Information Reference Sample
 where ‘Title’ has the original title, mostly Dutch, and ‘Reference’ has one or more clickable items that either call a separate continuation page or allow for direct download of a score.

- If there is a sample, either audible or visible, you will find it under ‘Sample’. For an audible sample playable by a standard player, like .mp3, .wav or .wma, click Play. For playing a MIDI file, click Play Midi – but see the Note below.

- For a visible preview in a new browser window, click View.
You always will find a downloadable score, that is free; to download a score in A4 pdf format, click Score. To download an A4 'booklet' of one or more scores, organised as A3 pdf landscape, click Score, where each pdf has two pages to be printed double-sided turned over the short side.

‘Instructions’ - this page.
‘Privacy’ – calls the Privacy statement.

The item "Homepage" in the top region returns to the site's Homepage.

The "to Top of Page" item moves view to just below the top region.

MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Recording is in codes, not sound. A player has to translate these codes using a built-in sound table so that quality can be very different for different players. Midi files are considerably smaller than their sound counterparts.

Note: Depending on your browser and its configuration, a midi file either will be played directly, or you will have to download it first, or you will be given a choice, or - unfortunately - even nothing will happen.
