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Composing music has been a side activity, alongside my profession. Therefore, scores are free, as are and will be performances and recordings by anyone.
Click the ‘Instructions’ picture in the top menu to see how this music section works.

I would be very pleased though, to know if there is any interest in my work. I have distinct ideas about writing music but do not count myself in any style. I principally like the "modern classical" music but dislike many modern composers because they lost the essentials of music in their work.


Some examples of my music, first some easy pieces:

  • The mp3 versions of Satalise nr.4
  •  and of Variations without theme
  • The wma version of Regen, actually part 2 of Sneeuw
  • A Midi version of nr. 3, Duet, of 3 Melodieën voor 2 piano's
  • and very virtuoso instead, the midi version of Vaart, part 3 of Het IJzeren Schip which I consider my best work so far. Unfortunately, not a real performance but computer-generated.
  • Also note how I convert an ‘irregular’ scheme into Quietude

I have some recorded music on youtube also, e.g., the youtube version of Regen

Some of my scores are on the Petrucci website Ignore the copyright warning; all my stuff is under ‘Public Domain’.

My choir music is on ChoralWiki.

Where applicable, a specific reference will be in the respective music page.

Requests and Contact.

Most stuff you can download directly from this website. There are additional scores not in computer form. If you are in any way interested, or for any information or request, you can reach me through the Homepage's Contact Contact page.
