10 lichte Oefeningen voor piano
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10 easy Exercises for piano
Number of parts: 10
Instrument: piano solo.
These short pieces are sampled in one document
of 7 pages:
(363 kB)
Titles and midi files are listed below:
| Title |
English translation |
Sample |
1. |
Melodie (hardnekkig onbeschoft) |
Melody (obstinately rude) |
0:40 |
2. |
Basso (In)Continuo |
⇐ |
0:42 |
3. |
'Contra'punt |
'Counter'point |
0:25 |
4. |
Les |
Lesson |
0:21 |
5. |
Frasering |
Phrasing |
0:38 |
6. |
Verlenging en Verkorting |
Lengthening and Shortening |
0:21 |
7. |
3-deligheid |
3-partitiousness |
0:31 |
8. |
Harmonie |
Harmony |
0:11 |
9. |
Modulatie |
Modulation |
0:10 |
10. |
Weerspannige Uitwerking |
Rebellious Elaboration |
0:47 |