Bernhard van den Sigtenhorst Meyer: Van de Bloemen

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Number of parts:  4
Instrument(s): piano solo
Composer: Bernhard van den Sigtenhorst Meyer (1888 - 1953)
Performer: Louis Hoofd
Source: CD Secret Garden

These short pieces were composed 1915/6 by this then well-known Dutch composer. The double title “Van de Bloemen - Contes de Fleurs” indicates a French influence. The recordings here are 48kpbs mp3 - for better quality order the CD or contact me.

Title French title English translation Sample
1. Rozen Roses Roses Play

708 kB

2. Korenveld in de Zon Champ de Blé ensoleillé Grain Field in the Sun Play

488 kB

3. De Waterlelie La Lune d'Eau The Water Lily Play

940 kB

4. Blauwe Regen in den Kloostertuin Glycine dans un Jardin de Cloître Wisteria in the Abby's Garden Play

690 kB
