Erik Satie: Sonneries de la Rose + Croix

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Number of parts:  3
Instrument(s): piano solo
Composer: Erik Satie (1866 - 1925)
Performer: Louis Hoofd
Source: CD Secret Garden

These pieces were composed in 1892 when Satie was composer-in-residenceof the Order of the Rosicrucians. Note the ‘+’ in the title - knowing Satie, intentionally. The recordings here are 48kpbs mp3 - for better quality order the CD or contact me.

Title English translation Sample
1. Air de l'ordre Air of the order Play

1488 kB

2. Air du grand maitre Air of the grand master Play

2631 kB

3. Air du grand Prieur Air of the high Priest Play

1357 kB
