Erik Satie: le Fils des Étoiles - Préludes

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Number of parts:  3
Instrument(s): piano solo
Composer: Erik Satie (1866 - 1925)
Performer: Louis Hoofd
Source: CD Eiland in de Kosmos

These lovely pieces were composed in 1891 when Satie was composer-in-residence of the Order of the Rosicrucians, to accompany a stage play. The recordings here are 48kpbs mp3 - for better quality order the CD or contact me.

Title English translation Sample
1. La Vocation
 La nuit de Kaldée
The Vocation
 The night of Kaldée

1989 kB

2. l'Initiation
 La salle basse du Grand Temple
The Initiation
 The basement of the Grand Temple

1368 kB

3. Incantation
 La terrasse du palais du patesi GOUDÉA
 The terrace of the palace GOUDÉA

2392 kB
